To: All Interested Parties

Date: August 27, 2014

Place: Living Ministries Closed Facebook Group

Attendance: Summer D Clemenson, Karen Gidderon, Jamie Holloway, Linea Elken, Angelique Yoder, Lynn Brown, Jeremy Jones, Zach Tompkins, Hal Palmer, Mike Wallin, Mindy Schlecht, Chuck Davani Hendrickson, Arleen Hubble, Jessenia Perez, Donnia Reed, Karinsa Holmes-Solo, Jacob Beerman, Calvin Dowd, Ted Grammount, Jon Randall, Paul Robert Mauer, Jeff Hamilton, Christal Hood, Heidi Jordan, Erika Campbell-Moon, Patrick Palmer, Linda Keller, Sarah Lindenthal, Dale Waddell, Dale Chamberlain, John Coleman, Lori Hackett, Dawn Gregg, Amanda L. Wilson, Carl Wirkkala, Vashti Langford, Ellie Prince,

New Business: Executive Officers to Vote in New Bylaws

Summer D ClemensonHello Jamie Holloway and Karen Gidderon, I am calling a virtual committee meeting, as requested by our President, in order to vote in the new bylaws as they were last updated on Thursday August 21, 2014. I am not able to vote on the bylaws unless you do not agree. If you agree with the changes and updates as they were made on 8-21-2014 and would like to vote these bylaws in please respond to this message accordingly. Thank you.

Jamie Holloway: I vote them in! They look great!

Karen Gidderon: I have seen these great by-laws and they are great! I agree with the changes.

Summer D Clemenson: Thank you ladies. This virtual meeting is now closed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Summer D Clemenson
Executive Director