Life Works helps people with disabilities and disadvantages make life work.

The Mission of Life Works:
Transforming lives by building the capacity of individuals, families, organizations, and the community to thrive and achieve their goals regardless of personal challenge, promoting self determination, dignity, and respect while creating opportunities for living, learning, working, and personal growth.

Life Works Services:

Life Works has 2 Group Homes, each with room for 9 people with developmental disabilities to have their own private bedroom. Staffing is on site 24 hours a day, 7 days per week and each home has access to a wheelchair van to go on trips around town. Staff focus on helping individuals and families create a plan to list the things they want to learn how to do, places they want to go, people they want to have as friends, jobs they wish they could have and a future place they might like to live. Staff and families work together to help people achieve their goals and dreams.

Vocational Services

  • No Cost Recruiting
  • Job Ready Applicants
  • Technical Assistance
  • Long-Term Retention Services
  • Classroom and Parent Training

The REACH (Realizing Achieving Children’s Hope) Home for children with Autism

The CRIS (Children’s Rehabilitative Intensive Support) Home

Supported Living

Project Hope

Other Affiliated Organizations:

Americorps where you can…

  • Build your resume
  • Earn money for education
  • Make a difference
  • Learn about the community needs
  • Make friends
  • Learn to be a Leader
  • Change the world

Life Works
906 New York Street
Longview, WA 98632
(360) 577-9093

Disclaimer: Living Ministries is not affiliated with this organization. Our goal is help you find the resources you are looking for. Living Ministries does not keep track of the resource levels of the organization listed here. Please be kind to the people that help you regardless of the limits of this organization.