SurvivalDriveFlyer2webPeter had served his country in Vietnam. He had a family, home, job, everything he needed but he just couldn’t hold it together. He tried doctors and the pills they suggested. He went to counseling but just couldn’t handle life. So he drank too much…soon he lost his job and his wife told him she couldn’t take it anymore. So he left.

He continued to drink and sometimes had a moment of clarity. Sometimes he met people that reminded him of his old life, but he just couldn’t cope. No one had the right answer. He wasn’t a bad man.

For 20 years he lived in the woods. He panhandled a little. His disability check still came, but after a binge or two, he could never pay first and last month’s rent so he got comfortable with being uncomfortable. His world became normal to him.

Then he met KC and Lynn. They were cool. They asked before them stepped into his tent. They brought him lunches every Saturday. They helped him get a new pair of boots and replaced his torn tarp. They listened to him. Whether he was sober or drunk, if he was in a bad mood, they didn’t care. They didn’t judge him. They loved him. They prayed for him. They kept coming back. Every time they came back he remembered his old life. Their daughter and son reminded him of his daughter and son.

One day he asked them to pray with him and he changed…He knew it would be hard, but he knew he didn’t have to take care of those old warrants or go to rehab alone. KC answered his phone when he wanted a drink. Lynn would pray with him and take him to appointments.

Hearts For Homeless is a family that loves people where they are at. KC & Lynn Brown doesn’t turn anyone with a need away. They have a ministry to offer people a hand up by sharing compassion and building relationships with their homeless friends while they show them the love of Christ.

For the entire month of October, Living Ministries will be collecting SURVIVAL items to help Hearts For Homeless in their ministry of reaching out to those experiencing homelessness.

The population that Hearts For Homeless generally reaches,  are those that have chosen to avoid the general public. They live secluded and rarely come into town for resources and help from other organizations. Hearts For Homeless builds relationship with them, gives them resources they will need to survive and if they are interested, offers the gospel of Christ as encouragement toward salvation.

Items we will be needing are the type of gear you would need to go on a perpetual camping trip:

  • Backpacks
  • Sleeping Bags
  • Tarps
  • Socks
  • Underwear (new in package – Mens Med and Large are the most needed)
  • Garbage Bags
  • Body Warmers
  • Flashlights
  • Weatherguard Spray
  • Bottled Water
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Easy to pack foods
  • Hygiene Products

How to Help

Any financial donations will be used to purchase items most needed and HOT meals.

You may also mail checks made out to Living Ministries (write Hearts For Homeless in the memo line) to:

Living Ministries
PO Box 416
Kelso, WA 98626

Drop Spots – Also Hosting Money Jars

Money Jars

If Hearts For Homeless has an abundance we will give some to Love Overwhelming.

Living Ministries will have several drop spots for items as well as money jars at businesses in Cowlitz County. Please call us at 360-610-7778 to arrange pickups, get information about drop spots or request more information.

Project Description

Project: Living Ministries’ SURVIVAL Drive

Project Sponsor: Living Ministries to benefit Hearts For Homeless

Program/Project Manager: Summer D Clemenson & Karen Gidderon

Project Background:

The SURVIVAL Drive is a month long donation project to raise funds for Hearts For Homeless and educate the public about needs of outreach organizations. We are accepting SURVIVAL items and money to benefit Hearts For Homeless. Surplus items will be donated to Love Overwhelming.

Business Needs:

The reason the project was established was to meet the ongoing needs of people experiencing homelessness. The secondary reason for this project is to find regular supporters for Hearts For Homeless to help them meet needs of people in Cowlitz County re-enter society.

Project Objectives:

Living Ministries would like to raise $500 and collect 500 lbs in backpacks, sleeping bags and other SURVIVAL items for Hearts For Homeless.

Deliverable Description:

We will facilitate this by advertising the month long event on Living Ministries Website and Facebook page and Twitter. Hearts For Homeless will advertise on their website and Facebook page and so will the committee members of Living Ministries. We will also send written Public Service Announcements to newspapers and radio stations in our area. Exclaim Media Video & Marketing has produced a video PSA that will show on KLTV and also be shared on all appropriate websites and Facebook pages.

Key Dates and Milestones:

The SURVIVAL Drive starts on October 1 and ends October 31, 2013.

Organizational Considerations:

Committee members are posting the event on their Facebook page and Twitter. Also some committee members have blogs, that they will post on. Living Ministries is taking calls to set up a time to pick donations up. We will also ask businesses to put containers out to collect donations.

Business Care:

90% of financial donations will go directly to Hearts For Homeless. Living Ministries will keep 10% of donations to devote to future projects that further our goal of building relationships and filling needs in our community.

Thank you for helping!