MedData Services

MedData Services’ prescription drug assistance solutions have been developed to provide prescription medications to low income and uninsured individuals. Organizations that purchase medications for their indigent patients, or seek reimbursement for inpatient services, will benefit from the cost savings that can be generated by the use of our industry-leading, Internet-based software program. To date, MedData Services has helped its clients receive more than $1.6 billion in free prescription medication.

Based in Grapevine, Texas, minutes from Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, the team of experts at MedData Services deliver the highest level of knowledge, client support and most importantly, results.

Get started today with no long-term contract and 90-day NO RISK guarantee.

Disclaimer: Living Ministries’ goal is help you find the resources you are looking for. Living Ministries does not keep track of the resource levels of the organization listed here. Please be kind to the people that help you regardless of the limits of this organization.